Monday, April 23, 2007

Borrowed time

By some miraculous twist of fate, all of my children are napping at the same time! I feel like a free woman, except for the whole danger of leaving them alone and stuff. Oh well. It's amazing what a quiet house sounds like. Mom heaven.


Anyone have any idea what this is? We found it in the lawn Saturday. It doesn't have a notch in the end by the "feathers" otherwise I'd think it was a crossbow arrow. Thank goodness no one stepped on it!

Sad knitting news:

These were the second socks I ever knit. I am sad to see holes in them so soon since they've only been worn a handful of times. Oh well, I suppose it wasn't meant to be sock yarn - very soft, not so tightly spun. At least I get to try darning now, right?

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